Crowdfunding helps you raise funding for your lab from multiple crowd contributions.

Crowdfunding is easy, and there are afflicted donors that want to help.

1. Patients and families act as your crowdfunding source (despite NIH cutbacks)

2. A one time application will be valid for one year.

Unlike other crowdfunding sources, you will keep all the funds raised minus a 7% fee to help us maintain the site whether your project is completely funded or not.

3. We act as your fundraising wing.

We contact donors, we run ads, we order the canapais.

4. We will work with your institution.

The idea for this site was born out of raising money directly for my lab as a grad student, and those funds were processed through our cancer center as a 'gift'. There should be no overhead removed from that gift, as would be the case with a federal grant. These details can be arranged after the time period you select is over and the funds are ready to be disbursed.

5. You have total freedom.

No grant review process. The public is responsible.

Start Your Project Now

 About Us:

This site was created by Duncan Ross Ph.D. in response to funding shortages experienced during his dissertation work at the University of Miami, and suggestions by his mentor that he should do something about it. Unfortunately, the idea for this site came two months before his thesis was due for review which impacted the quality of the first draft. Now free and clear with the degree, he has reset his sites on leveraging the power of the internet to fund basic research in a novel fashion.